I’m a textile designer based in London, inspired by shape and pattern within our everyday surroundings. As my design practice, I work using techniques such as collaging, screen printing, hand painting, mark making, foiling, flocking, and puffing. I take basic geometric elements, and incorporate them into my designs, maintaining a hand drawn feel. These processes help me to create bold, versatile and colourful, repeated prints.

Photography is my starting point of research, and from there I develop my drawings into collages. Collaging gives me the freedom to be playful when creating my designs.
For my Graduate Collection I concentrated on producing a series of designs that work across a wide range of different applications, including, furnishing, upholstery, rugs and curtain fabrics. These designs also worked well for Stationery products.

Awards & Achievement
- Best in Show; Textiles, Body of Work - The Cass , London Metropolitian University.

- The Cass Sumer Show
- New designers (June 2018)

Highlights of work
- New Designers, Instagram
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